Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Cranleigh Capital Chemist Art Show

Here is a sneak preview of the artwork I am submitting for exhibition in the Cranleigh Capital Chemist Art Show:

Title: One Wish
Inspiration: To take the challenge, it's harder than you think!

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Exhibiting Prada Batik

Exhibition details:
'SQUARES' Peoples Choice Exhibition - Strathnairn Arts Association
Commences: Friday 21st of September - Sunday 14th October 2012

Traditional methods:
In the traditional methods for producing Batik paintings, hot wax was applied to cloth and the cloth was then dipped into the dye covering the cloth where the wax was not applied, as the wax did not absorb the dye. For each colour applied to the cloth, the same process is repeated and as you can image, many hours are spent creating the beautiful fabled cloth from Java.

My method:
Whist my method does not entail the traditional process, I have taken careful consideration to the layering process and therefore, have applied a similar method to my painting. This tropical scene is a flow of inspiration from the works I have seen and careful consideration has been applied to reflect the beauty of their traditions.

The meaning of Prada?
Why Prada Batik? My resources record the most exquisite work produced in Java commenced in the 1850s and where gold was applied, it is considered to be only affordable to the wealthy. Gold leaf as used in the original Batik form was a symbol, or association to wealth and ceremony.

I have spent many hours preparing this piece for exhibition and hope you have some time to view the exhibition. For more information please visit: SQUARES exhibtition

Saturday, 4 August 2012

October Art Show, raising funds for a cause

Cranleigh Capital Chemist Art Show
The 2011 Art Show was opened by the Governor General Ms Quentin Bryce and was a great success after raising $25,000 to assist children with disabilities. For more information and to view the web promotion from 2011, please visit: Cranleigh Capital Chemist Art Show

This year they aim to raise money for Specialist Fixed Gymnasium and Sensory Playground Equipment. If you want to help them achieve their goal, be sure to visit the Art Show this October and don't forget your wallet! 

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Colour My World!

Are you looking for inspiration for your next masterpiece? I recently stumbled across a photo from B.young and found the colours in the textiles gave me the inspiration I needed during the cold winter months. 

Image found at the B.young facebook page 

As an artist you are forever seeking new ideas by experimenting with mediums, colours, techniques and absorbing all that we feel and see. What does inspire you to paint, how do you find your inspiration? If you can answer this question then start to look beyond this and explore new ideas, jump out of your comfort zone and you will soon find a new idea for your next masterpiece. 

Have you ever tried turning your canvas on the side, or upside down? I will let you in on a secret... did you know I paint with my canvas upside down? I no longer know how to paint with the picture the right way up.  

Another interesting article worth taking a look at: How is the Right Brain / Left Brain Concept Relevant to Artists?

Friday, 29 June 2012

Harrison Art Show - Update

I am pleased to say my painting was sold on the opening night of the Harrison Art Show.
Congratulations to all involved, it's so lovely to see the arts being acknowledged in Canberra, this truly is a place of hidden talent and nice to see how we are finally coming alive with an increase in local exhibitions.

Well done to all involved and enjoy the weekend! :) 

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

English Breeze - Harrison Art Show

Here is a photo of my entry for the Harrison Art Show to be held this weekend.
Painting Title: English Breeze

If you can spare some time on Friday night, or Saturday, take a visit and see some beautiful artwork. I had a sneak preview today when dropping off my painting...brilliant artwork from photographers and artists abroad.

For more information please visit: Harrison Art Show

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Harrison Art Show 29-30 June

What are your plans on the weekend of the 29th and 30th of June? Take a drive to Harrison School to view the work from some of Canberra's local artists and the students art of Harrison School.

To find out more, please visit: Harrison Art Show

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Radford Art Show - Update

When admiring the beautiful artwork at the Radford Art Show, it was clear fewer people were spending money this year and on that note, I would like to congratulate those who sold their work and well done to all involved.

For all artists/buyers, start painting and start saving for the Cranleigh Capital Chemist Art Show

Friday, 1 June 2012

Radford Art Show this weekend!

If you have missed the opening night, or today's exhibition, you are not too late to see some beautiful artwork from the Canberra and surrounding region tomorrow between 10am and 4pm (last day for exhibition). To find out more about the exhibition please visit:
Radford Art Show
City News

You will also find my painting below titled Lillehammer Aurora featured at the Radford Art Show.

Have a lovely weekend and don't be afraid to get out in the rain, the School and artists abroad need your support.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

A successful weekend

A relaxing weekend with family, visiting an Art Show and admiring magnificent art from artists, photographers and the children's art from Curtin Primary School.

Although the sale of my painting took place on the closing date of the Art Show, I am pleased to announce I had the opportunity to meet the person who purchased my work.  This made the event all the more pleasing, as I know my painting will hang proud in their home and cared for by another artist and photographer.

Thank you for this opportunity, a well planned event and well done to all involved...see you next year, if not before?

A rewarding experience!

Friday, 18 May 2012

Curtin Primary School Art Show - Open night

This photo features my painting from the opening night (last night). More images can be found at: Curtin Primary Art Show

Curtin Primary School Art Show

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Mother's Day Exhibition

What a lovely day out, visiting a local exhibition in Canberra and finally having the opportunity to meet the Artist's and view their beautiful work.

For more information on the Artists, please visit:

Kylie Fogarty
Kylie Fogarty - Australia Artist on Etsy

Judy Witherdin 

Carole Osmotherly

Sarah Welford

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Mother's Day fast approaching!!

With Mother's Day around the corner, I have just topped up my stock on Etsy which is guaranteed to make your gift look like it was wrapped by a pro....that's right, I am letting you take the credit for this one!

Get in early to ensure you receive your embellishment in time, don't leave it to the last minute.

My Etsy Shop - Seed2Blossom

Monday, 2 April 2012

Inspiration for landscapes

I am considering to enter the next available art show to be held at:

Curtin Primary School 2nd Annual Art Show
Friday 18 May to Sunday 20 May 2012

I was fortunate enough to receive a beautiful photo from a dear friend (family) living in Norway, it was taken from a place I have visited on several occasions which inspires me to paint a Norwegian landscape. If I complete the painting in time, it might be lucky enough to be featured in the exhibition, only time will tell.

Photo: Hvaler - Norway

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Lifeline Bookfair - this weekend

I took a visit to the Lifeline Bookfair today and came home with some great books for my little girl and finally found the books I have been unable to find in the shops and local library. Thanks to those who volunteer their time and donate books to Lifeline - a fundraising event we should all support. There were so many pre-loved books including vintage books, it appears there is still a demand for paper books and I am thankful the Lifeline Bookfair continues to operate, they are doing a magnificent job.

To find out where you can donate your books please visit: Lifeline - donate your books
To find out the location and their open times please visit: Canberra Lifeline Bookfairs

"Cherish" is home.

Today was rather daunting as I returned to the exhibition to finally collect my painting "Cherish", I am pleased to say the painting was not damaged and remains in one piece. This painting will stay with me, as I have no intentions to submit this in another's my baby and it lives to the symbolic meaning that elephants bring luck and happiness.

In celebration of the elephants. 

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

No access to paintings

Artworks from the Canberra Times Outdoor Art Show are yet to be assessed for damage.  To find out more, please visit: Canberra Times Outdoor Art Show
Picture as shown in The Canberra Times:

Hyatt Hotel,
Canberra Photo - Graham Tidy

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Shocking news

I woke up this morning to find the The Canberra Times Outdoor Art Show had closed early due to supporting walls collapsing during the day with quite a few paintings coming down in the process. I am concerned for those  injured and now require treatment in hospital, this is a disaster and I sincerely hope they will be ok.

Landscapes for 2012

A relaxing day with friends of Captains Flat has filled my mind with refreshing ideas for 2012, as I am now inspired to paint landscapes using my current technique. What a beautiful sunny day shared with good friends, good food and a drop of red, I am feeling refreshed and ready to paint.

Friday, 9 March 2012

The Canberra Times Outdoor Art Show commenced at 12 Noon today and I am pleased to say I have entered my artwork titled: Cherish - in celebration of the Indian elephant. 

My success from 2011 continues to provide inspiration for 2012: