Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Visit Harrison Art Show this weekend!

Brave the winter chill and enjoy a night out with friends. 
Harrison Art Show opens tomorrow night between 7pm and 10pm with an entry fee of $10 which can be purchased in advance, or on the night. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enjoy this lively atmosphere with music, wine and catering...what more could you ask for?  To find out more, please feel free to visit their site, as the exhibition will run over the weekend with a gold coin donation.

A great place to grab a warm cup of coffee and some home baked refreshments from the School's Cafe, see some artwork and be seen. ;)

Title: One Wish - 4th edition

Tuesday, 25 June 2013


I am pleased to announce that my paintings were a great success at the Radford Art Show with all of my paintings sold on the opening night. I have since been working towards another submission to the Harrison Art Show to be held this weekend.